By using the Boost Cooler®, you can expect up to approx.10-20% more power on charged gasolines engines, 15-30% on Turbodiesels and up to 10-15% on naturally aspirated gasoline engines. - Even on pre-tuned cars!
The Boost Cooler® injection works in three ways: Firstly, when water is injected into the intake system prior to the cylinder head, the small droplets absorb heat from the intake air. Next, the small droplets of water start to evaporate. - and so the intake air charge is cooled still further.
Finally, when the remaining water droplets and water vapour reach the combustion chamber, steam is produced and large amount of heat is consumed
For all gasoline and Turbodiesel-engines!
More Power and Torque
Efficient intercooling without lost in pressure
Less NOx emissions
Clean, carbon-free combustion chamber
Reduced specifc fuel consumption
Easy installation
Product Code: BOOX239